The Pitch Review – Telemarketing USA

William Warren and Tom Alper in THE PITCH - Photo by Jessica Sherman
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Penned by Tom Alper (who is also a member of the ensemble cast), THE PITCH premiered in Hollywood in 2023. Produced by Tom Alper and Christine Blackburn, Waterfront Productions brings THE PITCH to the Odyssey Theatre in West Los Angeles in 2024. THE PITCH explores the dynamics and ethics of the flood of telemarketing sales in the U.S. – where no two individuals in the transaction ever get to see the other while sizable sums of money sizzle through cyberspace. THE PITCH is reportedly based on a true story. It’s hard to believe, but perhaps reality really is stranger than fiction.

Widower Tom Allen (Tom Alper) is facing a serious problem. A single parent, Tom is raising 15-year-old Michelle (Isabella DeBernardino), his teenaged daughter. The bills are piling up, and his recent employment has been spotty at best. Desperate for money, Tom leaps at the chance to sell electronic parts over the phone in what looks very much like a boiler-room set-up. Although he is personable, hard-working, and beyond motivated, Tom just can’t seem to make any sales. But then his co-workers Skunk (Monty Renfrow), “The Kid” (Connor Killeen), Ricky Ray (Chris Cox), and Scramby (Albie Selznick) – and even his boss Mike (Joseph Lorenzo) – take pity on him and share the secret of how to become a sales superstar. A little nudge, and Tom is off and running. But he must still deal with his teenaged daughter, who is just beginning the journey from childhood to adulthood, with all the trials and tribulations that entails. Besides Tom’s already full plate, he is being audited by IRS. To add to his owes, Tom discovers that he might have to make ethical compromises to excel – rounding out a generally disappointing time in his life.

Sounds depressing? THE PITCH is far from it. In a hilarious poke at today’s economy and the compromises sometimes required, THE PITCH examines the ethical conundrum posed by tele-sales while introducing the audience to what may be the craziest crowd of salesmen in town. Guess how Skunk got his nickname – and what about Scramby? Nothing on the laugh meter can compare to Tom’s meetings with Mel (William Warren), his friendly neighborhood IRS agent. Kudos to skilled director Louie Liberti and the entire ensemble cast: they make a ridiculously funny and very entertaining team.

The off-the-wall cast seem to be truly enjoying themselves creating Tom’s own special hell – and the audience is clearly richly entertained by the shenanigans that follow. Set designer Catarina Piccarrdo has fun developing three scenes on one stage at the same time. Just watch an entire living room inch forward, courtesy of a conveniently placed carpet. The show might be stymied without Jackson Funke’s lighting and Ross Chait’s sound. THE PITCH is definitely a group effort, and the audience will enjoy every minute of it.

THE PITCH runs through August 4, 2024, with performances at 7:30 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and at 3 p.m. on Sundays. The Odyssey Theatre is located at 2055 Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025. Tickets are $30 (seniors and students $25). For information and reservations, call 310-477-2055 or go online.


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